Have you been curious what cosmetic dentistry is? Perhaps you have heard of it and are interested in learning more. Perhaps you were recommended a cosmetic dentistry procedure and are now wanting to learn more about cosmetic dentistry as a whole. These are all great reasons and there are hundreds more out there. Keep reading as the top cosmetic dentists Lexington KY explain exactly what cosmetic dentistry is. Keep reading to learn more.
First, we want to go over the difference between cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry. There are a number of different fields available today however these are the two most common. If a patient is looking to keep their teeth cleaned and see if they have cavities, they typically go to a general dentist (in many situations a dentist can do both though) and this is called general dentistry. Patients that are having issues with their teeth perhaps in where their bite is happening or they want their smile to look better go to a cosmetic dentist and this is called cosmetic dentistry.
As we stated earlier, both of these dentists typically can do both types of dentistry. Some however need additional education to do some of the procedures. If you want to go to a cosmetic dentist to get your teeth whitened, they first need to be cleaned by a dental hygienist.
Some dentists charge different amounts depending on what procedure they are offering. However, sometimes if you are going to a cosmetic dentist to get a general dentist procedure done such as a cavity, it can end up costing you a bit more. Again, every dentist is different however sometimes that has been the case in the past.
In many times, cosmetic dentistry is not paid for or not paid as much on a patient’s insurance. Most insurance plans are different however since a lot of cosmetic dentistry has more to do with looks than with necessity (as the insurance company sees it), it ends up sometimes being out of the patients pocket.
There are many services that a cosmetic dentist will occur which will assist patients. First of all, the smile is one of the first things someone notices about you when you meet them. By having a brighter smile that you are proud of will give you more confidence which also means a better first impression. That’s a great reason to start with having cosmetic dentistry.
Having your smile enhanced can greatly help your overall appearance. Even the smallest procedure can make a world of a difference. Whether that boosts your confidence, your self-esteem, or makes you go from smiling with your mouth closed to smiling large with it open, it can be a huge difference. Cosmetic dentistry can help you whiten your teeth, make your teeth straighter, and even help fill in missing teeth. Although a procedure like missing teeth will also help the confidence level, having gaps in the mouth is actually very dangerous, especially for long periods of time. The jaw can actually sink in while will make the patient look about 10 years older. By having it filled as soon as possible, you are preventing this and teeth shifting to occur.
There are many different treatments and procedures that people don’t even realize is cosmetic dentistry and not general dentistry. Some of those that are included are getting braces, having a porcelain crown put in, adding veneers, brides, or bonding. Some of these will also overlap into orthodontics which is another popular type of dentistry.
Dentistry is no longer just coming in for a quick cleaning and checking on your teeth. Although that is very important, there are so many new ways that continue to come to life to allow people to improve their appearance. As technology continues to change, these ways will continue to get easier and easier. Just like a hairdresser will help to change your hair a little to make it more of the look you want, cosmetic dentistry can help to reshape, repair, and do a million other things to your teeth.
As you can see, cosmetic dentistry has taken the world by storm and is helping so many different people of all ages help their teeth. Whether they are looking to have more confidence with their smile or they are looking to have an issue solved, cosmetic dentistry can help get them there.
For more information on cosmetic dentistry or to get started with an appointment, give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you.
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